Some questions, some answers.

Why should I use Grappelli?

If you are pleased with how the original admin interface looks, you probably shouldn’t. Grappelli is mainly about a consistent, grid-based style.

I need help!

see Troubleshooting.

Which Browser do I need with Grappelli?

We are testing with Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Brave, Edge, Opera, Vivaldi and other modern browsers should work fine as well.

Can I use another editor than TinyMCE?

Of course (better use markdown anyway).

How can I contribute?

Help is very much appreciated.

What is your goal with Grappelli?

Our goal is that Grappelli will be redundant eventually (though we doubt that will happen).

Who develops Grappelli?

Grappelli is developed and maintained by Patrick Kranzlmüller & Axel Swoboda of vonautomatisch.